Friday, September 28, 2007

A Break in the Writer's Block

Lately I've had writers block (not on the blog... I've just been slacking here. Sorry). I haven't been able to write creatively... songs, poems, etc. I've been trying really hard to be creative and that never seems to work. It wasn't until God broke me in two that I felt the honest impulse of creativity... Here is the result. I hope and pray that it encourages my two readers to stop and praise the Glorious God we serve.


Holy God
You are King
Sovereign Lord of Everything

Foundations shake
The earth is filled
Woe to me
My sin revealed

The darkness looms
The depths of me
Of pain and death
I am deserving

A burning coal
Against my lips
My sins atoned
A glorious glimpse

…of the one who gave it all
that I may see His glory fall

Holy, holy, holy
By thy glorious grace I worship thee
Adonai who sits enthroned
You are my Lord

Glory, glory, glory
Be to God alone
Adonai who sits enthroned
You are my Lord

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Great Resources

There are a ton of great online resources for ministers and Christians who want to grow closer to Jesus. I thought I would list some.

1. Christian Classics Ethereal Library- Offered by Calvin College. Featuring a bazillion commentaries, books, and sermons from all of the old dead guys... That's how you know it's good.

2. Reformed Theological Seminary Courses on Itunes- Yes, there are entire courses for free. All of the courses fall under Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, New Testament, Old Testament, or Church History. They also have chapel sermons as well as other informational downloads.

3. Bible Gateway- An online Bible resource. It's great for comparing translations, looking up key words, and it also has a topical index.

4. Good Theology- This one isn't free but you can't beat the prices. The description is in the title.

5. Westminster Seminary Bookstore- Again, not free but probably the best online bookstore.

6. Monergism- A bazillion reformed essays, articles, etc.

7. Sovereign Grace- Great resources for church planting, worship, great sermons, etc. Get their free sermons

8. Desiring God-Free sermons, articles, etc.

9. Movie Reviews- this is great for parents, youth pastors, and Christians in general. Christian movie reviews that tell you all you need to know about the movies you want to see.

These have all helped in in personal quiet time, study, and just life in general. I hope they bring you closer to God as they have done for me.

By the Grace of Christ

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Save Me From Myself

Last Thursday night my wife and I took a trip to Barnes and Noble. Like many of my friends it is nearly impossible for me to spend more than 10 minutes in the place without buying a book. Also, it doesn't help that I have a membership card which promises at least 10% of each purchase (I highly recommend one to any reader). So I purchased a book that has stirred up some hype in secular and Christian media.

Save Me From Myself is a spiritual memoir by Brian "Head" Welch, the former guitarist of the "Metal" band Korn. The reason I recommend this book is not because of some deep theological discussion or anything like that (In fact, I disagree with some theological views). I recommend the book because it is a great testimony of the power of God in the life of a sinner. It was a reminder to me of the depths of my sin and wickedness and the overwhelming grace of God. He used it to remind me of His Sovereignty over all, even evil.

A less spiritual reason for reading the book is that I used to love me some Korn.
