Friday, May 30, 2008

Song-writing and Lessons from Brainerd

"Oh, that all my late distresses and awful apprehensions might prove but Christ's school to make me fit for greater service, by teaching me the great lesson of humility." The Life and Diary of David Brainerd, April 10, 1742

Without getting into too much detail, this quote struck a chord with me in my present circumstances. It also seems that during these times the creative juices are flowing. The following is a song I wrote regarding the struggles of believing that God will provide.


I feel weak
from trying to figure out these things
on my own
I am lost on this long road

It seems that weak
is right where You want me to be
for there I see
the Sovereign God above all things

There I know
that the birds who never sow are satisfied
There I know
that my God on high is the One who will provide

So take my faithless heart
and teach me of Your ways
Your people never move or breathe
apart from Sovereign Grace
Take away my pride
You alone are the God who will provide

How foolish of me
to see the God who parts the seas
and not believe
that He is above these petty things

Who am I
to tell the Potter how to design
I praise You God
that Your grace is not fair at all

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Blogger J. Blair said...

Good stuff Kevin!

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that!

By the way, I've got a new blog.

12:04 PM  

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