Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Good Soldier by Mark Driscoll

A must see for all pastors and church planters

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Friend or Foe

"We're friendly to all you seekers
don't wanna make you mad
I don't know what I would do if you
Never came back."

"I'm sorry if I talked for too long
I'll keep it short next week
That sermon that Jesus preached was
just under thirty."

He came that we might live
So suck the life right out of it
We think we're being loving
but we're telling lies, withholding
cause we're so afraid of going like we're told.

Our catchy songs won't save them
Nor our clever titles raise them from the dead
the last thing that we need is another MTV

"Let's give a hand to the communicator
who cares if he is sound."
I heard once somewhere that a prophet
is hated in his hometown.

He came that we might live
So suck the life right out of it
We think we're being loving
but we're telling lies, withholding
cause we're so afraid of going like we're told.

Our catchy songs won't save them
Nor our clever titles raise them from the dead
the last thing that we need is another MTV

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Monday, May 07, 2007

Thabiti's New Book

In January I was blessed by the teaching of Thabiti Anyabwile at the 2007 Desiring God Conference. He mentioned a book he wrote about African American Preachers. The book doesn't come out until December but the excitement is staring to rise. Here is an explanation of the book.

In Christ


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Explosions In The Sky Live

enjoy this good music. End.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Augustine's On Christian Doctrine

Go to Christian Audio and click on the "free download" button at the top right corner. They give away free audio books every month. The give away this month is Augustine's On Christian Doctrine.

Here is a book description:

“There are certain rules for the interpretation of Scripture which I think might with great advantage be taught to earnest students of the word, that they may profit not only from reading the works of others who have laid open the secrets of the sacred writings, but also from themselves opening such secrets to others. These rules I propose to teach to those who are able and willing to learn.” With these words Saint Augustine (354-430 AD) began one of the finest theological treatments ever written on reading and interpreting Holy Scripture. Pastors, monks, and educated laypersons cherished De Doctrina Christiana from the time Augustine wrote it through the Middle Ages. Today, if this wonderful little book is less well-known, it nevertheless remains as insightful as ever."

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