Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"I'm sick of being sick of being thirsty for a drink of the one thing You can give me..."

I've been feeling a little under the weather lately. I don't know if just allergies or what, but it's no fun.

Kidzone went really well on Saturday. My favorite part was when Jose asked us to pray that he would be able to visit Mexico. He loves Mexico. I could tell because he had a baseball cap with the color scheme of the Mexican flag. It was one of those hats that is embroidered so thick that the words are almost 3D. We talked about Ephesians 2... How we are God's workmanship. One kid had a shirt on that said "God at Work". He had no idea what it meant but I did. How could I not. I was seeing God work right in front of my eyes. We prayed for sick family members, we prayed for a trip to Mexico, we prayed for school. We played football, played with a puppy, drank Sunny D. All of these things were routine for me until something just clicked.

"Kevin. Not only are you My workmanship, but you are being used by me to love these kids with My love. These things, these games and prayers and snacks... they may seem small but that's ok because I'm at work and my work is perfect."


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Glorious One

"You hold the universe and still You run to the broken."

This awesome truth has been pounded into my head over the past week or so. Lately, I have just been awe of the fact that God, the creator and sustainer of the universe, would save a broken sinner like me. I guess I've just been convicted of forgetting such an important truth in the first place. So, children of God (AKA the four of you who read this), don't ever forget that our awesome God runs after unworthy human beings like us.



Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I have this place where I go to have "alone-time". I don't want to tell anyone where it is because I feel like that would ruin it. I'm not superstitious or anything. I just like it that way. It's just me and Him if that makes any sense. Anyways, I have grown rather fond of this place over the past month and a half. God has spoken to me there. He has revealed things to me... Things that need to change, things that need to be valued more...

If I had to think of one word to describe my time there it would be... Intimacy. It seems as if intimacy is being neglected by the church as a whole. Maybe we have failed to emphasize the fact that the Christian life is a constant life. It's a life that keeps going after church on Sunday or Wednesday or whenever. It's a life that's devoted to doing all things for the glory of God. It's a life that's difficult and always will be. And if there is no intimacy with God it's non-existent. The Dean of my college encouraged us yesterday with a verse from Proverbs 4.

"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."

I want to keep living a life that glorifies my great God. I want to know Him more and more every day and walk with Him always. It turns out that it takes some effort. I have to stop. I have to think. I have to look around and realize that this world can easily distract me from my purpose... His glory.

Find a place. Spend time with God. Why? Because your not above screwing up. Your not above conforming to the patterns of this world. The good thing is that He is.

I'll have to find a new place when winter arrives. That's ok.
