Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Lesson

We finished up our last project in Port St. Lucie, FL this morning. I spent this past week reminiscing about the amazing works that God has done throughout the summer. I have seen God transform the lives of countless people... One of them being me. I was thinking today about what God has taught me through all of this. What is the most valuable lesson I have learned? The answer is worship. It sounds funny even to me. I'm a "Worship Leader". I'm supposed to know all of that stuff already right? Over the past two or three years God has really shown me what it is like to be what I like to call a Romans 12:1 worshiper... One who offers himself to God as a living sacrifice. This summer God has reinforced and even revealed more about that important truth.

This past week I met a group leader from upstate New York. He is the Director of Religious Activities at Ft. Drum army base. His youth group is a little different than most in that the students come from several different denominations grounded in basic biblical doctrine. The churches meet at the worship center at different times and different days of the week. James' heart for the students of these congregations is to unite them as Christ followers while keeping them grounded in biblical truth. His heart is also that of a true worshiper. So when he gave me advice before we left today I listened carefully. "You need to stretch yourself, Kevin." I was sort of taken off guard. "You have a great heart for Christ and great talent but you need to stretch yourself. This is something that God has put on my heart to tell you. And when God puts something on my heart to tell someone, I tell them." I thought about his suggestion for a minute and suddenly it clicked. He wasn't giving me this advice to help me become a great musician or anything like that. He was telling me to stretch myself musically because he has a heart, not only to worship God, but to see other people from all different cultures and walks of life worship God also. It made me ask myself the question, "Do you want that, Kevin. Do you long for others to offer themselves as living sacrifices to God." Sometimes... But not enough. In Romans 9 we read of Paul's sorrow for those who don't experience God the way he does. (v3) "For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers and sisters, my kinsmen according to the flesh." Here, Paul is speaking specifically of the chosen nation of Israel. But the biblical truth that we should long for others to know Him the way we know Him is still apparent.

As Christ Followers are we devoted to seeing others serve, know and worship our great God so that His name may be glorified?


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Grace, Grace, God's Grace...

I have recently been challenged to question the way I view grace. I have been reading "The Purifying Power of Living by Faith in Future Grace" by John Piper. I realized that all too often I view the Christian life, it's qualities, and works as something done out of payment to God. Now, I know this view is skewed and far from the truth but it's just something that I subconsciously do. Maybe it's the "debtors ethic" view of American culture. You do something good for me... Now I owe you one. That sounds nice and easy but that's just not how God works. Grace is not something given with the expectation of being paid back. It is given by God with the expectation of faith in more grace! Gratitude is very important in Christian living. I don't doubt that. But it should not replace faith as our motivation for a Christ centered, God honoring life.

The illustration Piper uses is that of a house given as a completely free gift. The house represents salvation. God gives us this house, right? It's the best house there is. It protects you and has everything thing you would ever need to survive. Your food, your drink, everything. God asks that we shelter no other gods in this house. He asks us not to put others before Him. Say we take the house then immediately call up a lawyer and set up monthly mortgage payments. The house is no linger treated as a gift. It's now treated as something purchased. And we all know that grace can never be purchased.

I highly recommend that you buy this book, meditate on the insight it offers and most importantly, search for the scriptural basis.

"Grace to You"


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Silent Boriken

I'm back in the states! Right now I am at my first state project. It's very different from the overseas projects. Middle schoolers are aloud to come to these ones... It's not as bad as you think. These kids are incredibly hard workers. It's a blessing to me to see a generation that seeks God's face. Last night was the concert of prayer. The theme was "silence". Some advice to all of you... Watch the "Noise" Nooma Video (You have to buy it to see the whole thing). I was reminded of the importance of true silence... Time when I can just listen to God. How sobering it was, especially in the midst of this crazy summer!

"The Lord your God is in your midst, a Mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing." Zephaniah 3:5

Jonathan Morales and me (AKA Boriken Warriors)
@ the rainforest in San Juan
