Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I got a phone call from a student the other day. He told me of another student who felt convicted about watching to much T.V. using to much internet, etc. So he decided to pitch his six man tent in his backyard. He ran an extension chord, hooked up a lamp, brought his Bible and some other books and vowed not to leave until he reads his Bible… a lot. I was asked if I wanted to come and participate for a night. The answer I gave: Definite yes.

Upon hearing this, some would think of this crazy legalistic kid who is trying to achieve an incredible amount of righteousness to brag about. Some may even think that he is a little crazy. I see a kid who loves God and refuses to let something stupid like T.V. or internet get in his way of glorifying the God of the universe.

The whole thing got me thinking. What happened to being a little “crazy-eyed for Christ” (as a friend put it)? I see guys in the church today whose major concern is that they don’t spill their late on their $150 shirt. The idea of missing Lost or Desperate Housewives is frightening to them. So they Tvo whatever show it is that de-masculanizes them so they can watch it after their Bible study. Then I read of guys in the Bible who kill bears and lions, eat bugs, wear camel skin attire, and love them some Jesus.

That said, stop being weenies and start doing crazy things for Christ.

Here is Driscoll talking about a similar issue in church planting.

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